ProMotion Forum: The best place to promote your page!

Please make sure you read carefully the Review Section Rules and Guidelines because they contain all the necessary guidelines you need in order to request a certain type of review.

Page Name:


Your Name:

Other Information:

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  • All members requesting a review must be at least Administrators. If not a visible administrator then an image is needed prooving you have admin access.
  • All reviews must follow the guidelines and must have the necessary criteria.
  • You may bump your review topic after the time span of 48 hours if a reviewer has not responded to the review topic.
  • All reviews requested that do not include the needed information will be locked and moved to the locked topics.
  • If you want to request a review after your old review is moved to locked topics you have to wait one week/seven days from the day the topic is moved to locked topics and then request an other review. The limited time before an other review can be requested is one week/seven days.
  • All of the rules of this forum, have to be used within the section too.
  • If you have any questions regarding the reviews must be asked in the questions topic within the section.
  • Each member can request one review at a time.
  • Only Official Reviewers can use the template of reviews and they only can provide reviews to member requests.
  • Once a reviewer has provided a review the topic will remain unlocked for one week and then moved to locked topics.
  • If a review request has been created and no response from either the member nor the reviewer is done then the topic will be moved to locked topics and rule number 5 will take place.